Create a repository

git init [project-name] - Creates a new, empty local [project-name] repository

git clone [url] - Downloads a project and its entire version history

Stage files

git status - Gives a list of all the uncommitted changes

git diff - Shows file differences not yet staged

git add [file] - Stages only [file]

git add -A - Stages all files

git reset [file] - Unstages a file

Commit and push changes

git commit -m "message" - Commits staged filles

git push - Pushes changes

git tag [tag-name] - Allows to add a tag name, useful for releases

Pull changes from origin

git fetch - Gets latest changes from origin (don’t merge)

git pull - Gets the latest changes from origin and merge

git pull -rebase - Gets the latest changes from origin and place changes on top


git stash - Temporarily saves all uncommitted tracked files

git stash list - Shows list of stashes

git stash pop - Restores the most recently stashed files and removed them from the list of stashes

git stash apply [optional-id-from-list] - Applies the latest stashed contents, or a specifics one if use [optional-id-from-list]

git stash drop [optional-id-from-list] - Discards the most recently stashed files, or a specifics one if use [optional-id-from-list]


git branch - Gives a list of all the local branches in the repo

git branch -a - Gives a list of all the local and remote branches in the repo

git branch [new-branch] - Creates a new branch named [new-branch]

git checkout [branch-name] - Switches to [branch-name]

git merge [branch] - Merges [branch] into the current branch

git push origin --delete [branch-name] - Deletes [branch-name] locally and remotely

git push origin [branch1]:[branch2] - Pushes [branch1] into [branch2]
