In Javascript, hoisting refers to all functions and variable declarations treated as if they were declared at the top of a functional scope, or global scope, without taking into account when and where in the code these ones have been declared.

Example: If we call our function before declaring this one, we do not get an error.

myFavoriteColor(green); // Output: My favorite color is green

function myFavoriteColor(color) {
  console.log("My favorite color is " + color);

The above code works the same way as bellow:

function myFavoriteColor(color) {
  console.log("My favorite color is " + color);

myFavoriteColor(red); // Output: My favorite color is red

Now let’s have a look at the variables.

If we call a variable without defining this one we get an error:

console.log(color); // Output: ReferenceError: color is not defined

But now if we define this one after our console.log we get an undefined:

console.log(color); //Output: undefined
var color = "Yellow";
console.log(color); //Output: Yellow

In the above case Javascript hoists all our variable to the beginning of our code but the initialization stays at the same place.

Inside a function our variable will be hoist at the beginning of our function:

console.log(color); //Output: ReferenceError: color is not defined
function returnColor(condition) {
  console.log(color); //Output: undefined
  if (condition) {
    var color = "Pink";
    console.log(color); //Output: Pink
    return color;
  } else {
    console.log(color); //Output: undefined
    return false;
// returnColor(true/false);

In ES6 we cannot access variables declared with let and const before they are declared.

console.log(varColor); //Output: undefined
var varColor = "Yellow";
console.log(varColor); //Output: Yellow

console.log(letColor); //Output: ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `letColor' before initialization
let letColor = "Yellow";
console.log(letColor); //Output: Yellow

console.log(constColor); //Output: ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `constColor' before initialization
const constColor = "Yellow";
console.log(constColor); //Output: Yellow
