An arrow function expression has a shorter syntax than a function expression and does not have its own this, arguments, super, or These function expressions are best suited for non-method functions, and they cannot be used as constructors.



Arrow functions basic syntax:

(param1, param2, , paramN) => { statements }
(param1, param2, , paramN) => expression // Same as: => { return expression; }

If we only have one parameter, we do not need to use parentheses around the parameter. If we do not have any parameter we have to use empty parentheses, ().

param => {
}; // Single parameter

() => {
}; // No parameter

Examples ES5 vs ES6

Example 1:

// ES5
var wordToArrayEs5 = function(word) {
  return word.split("");
console.log(wordToArrayEs5("test ES5")); // [ "t", "e", "s", "t", " ", "E", "S", "5" ]

// -----

// ES6
const wordToArrayEs6 = word => word.split("");
console.log(wordToArrayEs6("test ES6")); // [ "t", "e", "s", "t", " ", "E", "S", "6" ]

Example 2:

const order = [
  { product1: 10 },
  { product2: 15.33 },
  { product3: 22.99 },
  { product4: 33.22 }

const vatTax = 20;

// -----
// -----

// ES5
var orderTotalEs5 = function() {
  var total = 0;
  order.forEach(function(currentValue) {
    Object.keys(currentValue).map(function(key) {
      total += currentValue[key];
  total = total + total * (vatTax / 100);
  return total.toFixed(2);

console.log(orderTotalEs5()); // 97.85

// -----

// ES6
const orderTotalEs6 = () => {
  let total = 0;
  order.forEach(currentValue =>
    Object.keys(currentValue).map(key => (total += currentValue[key]))
  total = total + total * (vatTax / 100);
  return total.toFixed(2);

console.log(orderTotalEs6()); // 97.85


Can I Use arrow-functions? Data on support for the arrow-functions feature across the major browsers from
